Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Little Things

I hope that I never lose my excitement for the little things that happen in life. They're really probably some of the most important things. Some examples (in list format)!

-watching the fireworks for the inauguration of the Cervantino with Octavio from the roof of the house last night

-finally being able to eat normal food again after being completely nauseous for two days (I'll be much happier when my stomach gets with the program)

-having a conversation with my phonetics professor after class (and understanding everything!)

-sitting in a cafe downtown with friends, watching the people

-buying another novel in Spanish (I'm going to have some problems with the weight limit of my luggage when I return)

-being adopted by the family cat, Rita, who regularly comes into my room and sometimes sleeps with me at night

-the prospect of going downtown tonight with some friends to see a play in San Fernando Plaza (one of my favorite places in all of Guanajuato)

Life is good :)

1 comment:

David Payne said...

I want to come visit you so bad I can't even tell you.